Quiet Quitting As A New Concept: Characteristics, Recognition and Prevention
Quiet Quitting, Remote Working, Human CapitalAbstract
The COVID-19 epidemic, which broke out in 2019, caused radical changes in our business life as well as our social life. First, lockdowns began. Business life was put on the back burner and the impact of the pandemic was expected to decrease. However, the pandemic was gaining more and more power. Managers and leaders who did not know when this process would end, found the solution with remote working. They were increasing the pressure on employees by holding online meetings, and ensuring that employees who were alone with their families at home were working hard at home without leaving any room for their private lives. Employees who were worried that the pandemic would affect their health, made changes in their business approach. Thereupon, employees started to do only jobs that were in line with their job descriptions, and they began to refuse to do many different jobs that they used to do at work in their normal lives. They began to feel less institutional belonging. They started to put in the minimum amount of work effort that would only keep them in that job. Even though they didn't know it, what they actually did was a quiet quitting that was just starting to become conceptual. In this study, the concept of quiet quitting, the emergence of the concept, the importance of the concept, the factors that cause quiet quitting and recommendations to prevent quiet quitting are examined. This study, which was conducted using qualitative methods, is a descriptive research carried out in order to contribute to the literature on quiet quitting, which is a new concept, and to be a source for future studies. The study was concluded with evaluations and suggestions regarding the concept of quiet quitting.
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