Reviewing the Interactions Dynamics of Human Development, Democracy and Political Rights in the Light of Economic Development



Democracy, Political Rights, Economic Development, Human Development


This article explores the intricate relationship between human development and political rights, search their collective impact on economic development. Acknowledging the centrality of economic development in societal stability, the article highlighted the multifaceted nature of human development, emphasizing education, health, and quality of life. Political rights, including democracy, are investigated as pivotal determinants influencing these human development factors and vice versa. The review explores a mutual association between political rights and human development. The article emphasizes the important role of education, demonstrating its ability to foster political engagement, shape national values, and mitigate inequalities. Similarly, health outcomes are influenced by political environments, with government policies shaping healthcare systems and resource allocation. Quality of life is intricately linked to political environment, with accountable governance and democratic processes enhancing societal well-being. Reviewing the related literature, the article explores the connection of political rights, democracy, and human development. It stresses the importance of understanding this interrelation for policymakers and offers insights into potential future research directions. The comprehensive review provides a foundation for understanding how the interplay between human development and political rights contributes to economic development, thereby enriching the discourse on the nexus of societal stability, political structures, and human well-being.


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How to Cite

ABDULKARIM, M. (2023). Reviewing the Interactions Dynamics of Human Development, Democracy and Political Rights in the Light of Economic Development. Journal of Academic Analysis, 1(1), 1–16. Retrieved from


